Work With Me

I work with you to understand why the body is presenting symptoms and what we need to do to rebalance and get to a state of equilibrium.

What I love about Homeopathy is it is the only form of medicine that goes deep, it peels back the layers we have accumulated through what we have inherited and what we have been exposed to our whole life, then it supports the body to heal itself.

The energetic imprint from our ancestors can be cleared, meaning we are no longer susceptible to the same diseases that have been passed through our family. The energetic distortion that takes place in our body from exposure to toxic substances, traumatic events, suppression of illness and emotions, plus much much more can be cleared, our vital force can be restored and this is all done naturally. Our body resonates with the vibration of homeopathic medicine because we are energetic beings.

Sometimes healing can be multi-faceted. In more complex cases or if I suspect there may be some obstruction to cure with homeopathy alone, I may need the support of pathology to gain a better understanding of what is going on and incorporate other forms of natural medicine to assist. 

So, what can I help you with? 

Acute illness- this is when you or your family have been exposed to an illness and need help managing systems at home. Colds, coughs, flus, allergic reactions, insect bites, injuries etc. Ailments that have appeared randomly or as a one off. 

Chronic illness- symptoms you have been experiencing for awhile, things that may come and go, could be mentally/emotionally or physically. Gut issues like IBS, skin complaints like eczema/psoriasis/fungal, allergies/sinus, recurrent infections, etc.

Fertility- I offer a 4 month fertility protocol for couples trying to conceive, planning to conceive or are wanting to try a natural alternative before or after IVF. This program helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and balance hormones after years of suppressing with the oral contraceptive pill, which is why it is great for any cycle or hormonal issues and not limited to only those wanting to fall pregnant. I actually use this protocol often for women after synthetic hormone use with irregular cycles as often as I do when the goal is to fall pregnant.

Homeopathic Immunisation-  If you wish to maximise protection against a targeted infectious disease then you need to use disease-specific protection. There are currently only two disease-specific immunisation methods that have undergone scientific research, vaccination and homeopathic immunisation. You can read more about the safety and effectiveness of both here

Homeopathic Detox Therapy (HDT)- we can clear the distortion of energy in the vital force caused by a reaction to pharmaceutical drugs and/or exposure to infectious disease. When the "never well since" traces back to an illness or a reaction to a medicine, this is where HDT is really affective and is an important tool for recalibrating our vital force. 

Service Offerings

Acute Consultation

Investment $80 / Duration 15-30mins / Includes 1 remedy.

I'm here to help when you need support with an acute illness such as coughs, colds, flus, fevers, allergic reactions, first aid and assist with remedy selection and dosing.

An acute illness is where symptoms are presenting in response to a one-off, isolated ailment. For an ongoing issue you will need to book a longer consultation as that is a chronic case situation and requires a more detailed case taking.

Book here

Initial Consultation

Investment $150 / Duration 60-90mins / Includes 2 remedies.

This is for new and existing patients requiring a full consult for chronic conditions.

We can cover reoccurring, ongoing health concerns such as skin issues like eczema, psoriasis & herpes, IBS and other digestion issues as well as mental/emotional concerns such as anxiety, depression, burn out, plus much more.

Additional remedies will be charged separately after the consult and posted to you or local pick up can be arranged.

Book here

Free Discovery Call

$0 / 5-15mins

I offer a complementary 5-15min discovery call to establish whether I can assist you with what you require before you make a booking, as there are some things outside the scope of my practice. 

Please be aware that I am unable to give any health advice or remedy recommendation on a discovery call

Book here

Fertility Program

Investment $660

This option is for a couple wanting to prepare to conceive in the future, trying to conceive now or have been for awhile and also any woman wanting to address cycle or hormone issues from being on the oral contraceptive pill or entering menopause.

This package includes:

  • Initial 90 min consult
  • a check-in consult at 8 weeks
  • a consult at the end of the program
  • all remedies required for the duration of the program, usually between 8-10 remedies
  • email support for 4 months

Book here

Homeopathy Detox Therapy

Investment $250

Homeopathic Detox Therapy is used to clear substances that have caused a negative impact on you or your families health. I use Homeopathic Detox Therapy in cases where someone has "never been well since", or symptoms come and go ever since being exposed to the stressor. Examples of this may be medical interventions, drugs, pharmaceuticals, a virus, the childhood v schedule etc. 

Program includes:

  • initial consultation
  • customised treatment plan
  • all required remedies posted to you
  • email support during the detox timeframe

If this sounds like what you are requiring but want to make sure before booking, please book a complementary discovery call first here

*this program package is for 1 person only. If additional family members need to complete a detox they will need to book their own individual consult (or the parent on behalf of a child) as the program is specific to each person.


Investment $250

I follow the Homeoprophylaxis program created by Dr Isaac Golden, his renowed homoeopathic immunisation program is based on the world’s largest long term HP trial to date. 

What's included:

  • Initial consultation
  • All remedies required to fulfil the 6 year program 
  • Homeoprophylaxis Immunisation Schedule sheet
  • Easy to follow instructions

PLEASE NOTE BEFORE BOOKING: This covers 1 person. If at the time of consultation you decide to add multiple people to do the program there will be an additional cost of $110 per person for extra remedies.

I encourage you to do your own research on this topic, it is not my place to recommend this program and I am simply just here to offer it for those who are seeking this form of immunisation.  If you unsure whether this program is right for you please schedule a discovery call first where I can answer your main questions about the program details. Book here